Pet Sitting
Cats. Dogs. Elderly Pets. Horses. Menageries.
For Cats
-One or two visits per day with an emphasis on
communing, listening, bird watching, faucet drinking,
lolling, playing, laptime, chest time or
head time!
NOTE: For those who don't like to be touched, long periods of loving blinking can be arranged (or short ones--depending...)
For those who do not like to be looked at at first-- I promise I won't look!
Price $20. per visit

Celine, Harvard
For Dogs
3 visits a Day:
-Morning visit includes breakfast and a walk/play time in the early morning
-Mid afternoon visit includes a good walk (or stroll for the elderly), a meal, and an assurance that "I'll be back soon."
-Before Bedtime visit includes a walk, a snack, and some quiet visiting time.
--Price $60. (aka $20. per visit).
Frequent Check-ins :
(aka:"Are you here AGAIN?!")
At LEAST 4 drop-in visits throughout the day and evening of a mix of short and long durations. This is a good option for all kinds of scenarios!
--Price $60.

Car rides considered
for the lonely or bored
A menagerie at your house? GREAT!!
Price: Dependent on the tasks and time involved. I do not charge by the number of animals
Special Care For the Elderly and Infirm

Reba, Stow
They are our TREASURED companions.
The ones who have been with us through thick and thin.
And often now sometimes they need us most!
We've taken them through knee surgeries, kidney disease, pancreatic cancer, tooth extractions, baffling diseases that have drained our bank accounts irreparably to diagnose and treat...and they have deserved every cent and every minute of worry and concern and heartache.
And now we have to go away for a day, (oh no!) a weekend, a week and know they need SPECIAL CARE.
I've had personal experience with lots of illnesses and care and recovery regimens with our furry family members. I am a vigilant caregiver.
Price: We will be fair to each other and work something out that considers the time and tasks involved.

Eli, Stow

Bela, Stow

Scarlett, Stow

Gus, Stow
Dog walking
[[Right now my daily dog walking time is filled to capacity]]
But when it isn't...
My motto is Safety First:
​​I offer walks on a leash in the neighborhood!
A walk on the leash in your neighborhood can be awfully fun, interesting, exciting and informative to your dog. She will be able, by smell, to catch up on all the goings on in her neighborhood!
That brown and black dog 2 doors down? He leaves her messages each time he goes out! (it's called pee mail)
Within the last hour? The mailman walked up this walk, and this walk, and this walk!
That grey cat who taunts her through the fence? That's him right now under the big car with his friends!
Someone dropped a portion of their lunch by the curb yesterday? She might be able to snag it quickly if her human is distracted!
Sometimes the best walk of the whole year is spent nose to the ground, in one spot, in your neighborhood!
Leash walks are also wonderful for dogs who don't really care for other dogs.​​​
Price $20. per walk

The queen walking her dogs

Princess Nefi , Concord

Missy and her kid, "Can't You Tell" (Telly)--also known as "Watch Your Buttons!"- Pepperell
Horse sitting
I've taken care of horses in boarding barns and backyard barns and breeding barns since 1985 in Concord, Stow, Pepperell and Bolton.
I think we all know..there's nothing that soothes the soul as much as taking good care of a horse. They are wonderful creatures and are also very delicate! Because of this the horse care skill set is unique and I feel privileged to have been able to care for them throughout the years.
I am offering:
Horse sitting
feeding, turn out, stall cleaning, blanketing, night checks and
whatever you need for them to be safe and happy while you're away
Price: Whatever seems right for the job.
I do not charge by the animal.
Some requirements: for their safety while you are away I do require that your animals have a barn or shelter of some sort to keep them safe from all the many dangers out there (real or imagined by them)! Secure fencing is also a must.