Always In Our Hearts

A Soulmate dog
to her owner Judi for 13 and a half years, through thick and thin. Through hard times and good times. A treasure and rascal to all who knew her.
Rosie passed away January 17, 2017
Rosie's soulmate Judi passed away recently. Judi was loved by all who knew her, and we miss her very much. We find comfort in knowing that all Judi's beloved best friend dogs are around her eternally now, running free, always by her side. She was an amazing person.....

What a presence she was!
​ So entirely unique.

Luna passed away December 16, 2016
​ She is dearly missed.

My once in a lifetime Dog.
Addie was my best friend and spirit-lifter for 12 years. She had been taken to the pound by the authorities, from a crack house, when she was one, having spent her first formative year there. She was afraid of her own shadow-- she shook constantly--only confident when she was at the horse farm nearby or walking in the forest (so naturally, for those 12 years, I had to get a job at the horse farm which abutted the forest)!
Addie's HUGE ears inspired the farrier to call her "Radar".
I was so so lucky to have found her and she made it her job to make me smile with her lightheartedness.
Addie died in August 2005. I buried her on the wide hill overlooking the farm.